Lobby Days--2022 Legislative Session

The 2022 General Assembly Session starts on Wednesday, January 12th, and due to the never-ending pandemic, we're once again doing our Lobby Day a little differently this year. Specifically, our Lobby Day will in fact be multiple days -- January 10 and 11 (and if necessary Jan 12) -- and our meetings with legislators will be virtual. If you can be available one or more of those days to meet with legislators to discuss our criminal justice reform priorities, please sign-up here. Never lobbied on criminal justice reform before? Don't worry, you'll be meeting with legislators in small groups and you won't have to know everything. In addition, we'll be hosting a "prep rally" to help get you trained-up, and our excellent partners, the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, have jumped on as co-sponsors!

Day: January 10-12, 2022

Time: Meetings Times TBD

Where: Via Zoom

EventsKelly Haywood